Thesis under direction

  • Smallfoundations: involvement in local communities..
  • CEO speech on business ethics, corporate social responsibility and sustainability: interactions and overview.
  • Participation in the European funding framework program Horizon 2020, characterization of success.
  • Determinants of prosocial preferences in crowdfunding for fundraising in entrepreneurship projects in Colombia. 
  • Multifold Impacts of Positive Mindset on Behaviour and Outcomes. 
  • About entrepreneurship in creative industries.
  • Thesis on Social Responsibility. 
  • Comparative study of merger processes in Latin American universities. 
  • Evaluation and analysis of public policies for the cultural and creative industries in OECD countries. 
  • An economic analysis of digitalized and standardized work-flows within the operating room. 
  • Flows and Relationships in the Innovation Process: How Public Policy, Interface Units, Funding, Cooperation and Training Levels Influence the Achievement of Business Innovation Outcomes.
  • The Effect of Environmental Certificates for Hotels on the Purchasing Decision of Online Customers 
  • The transition of companies towards sustainable practices: a study of the triggers of environmental orientation during innovation processes with a focus on the role of cooperation.
  • Analysis of cooperation for innovation in manufacturing and service sector firms in Colombia. 
  • Study of barriers and facilitators of co-creation of companies with customers and their relationship with eco-innovation. 
  • Identification of critical variables, facilitators and barriers in the process of generating new knowledge-based companies. 
  • The communication of safety in tourism within the framework of smart destinations. 
  • Generation of a circular economy model for transport: application to the tourism industry in the Valencian Community. 
  • Evaluation and analysis of public policies for the cultural and creative industries in OECD countries.  
  • Multifold Impacts of Positive Mindset on Behaviour and Outcomes.