
The Laboratory's research team has extensive academic experience in the fields related to its research lines.

In fact, from the Department of Organisation to which the Laboratory is attached and within the Official Postgraduate Programmes of the UPV, it organises and coordinates the Master in Management of Product and Service Companies and Executive MBA, both widely recognised. In addition, the Laboratory staff participates in the Doctorate programme in Business Administration and Management.

In addition to the formal teaching and other postgraduate and specialisation courses organised by the Laboratory and the Department, companies and public institutions are offered the possibility of organising tailor-made courses or training programmes adapted to the training needs of the entity concerned.


The main objective of the PhD in Business Administration and Management from the Universitat Politècnica de València is to train doctoral graduates in the field of Business Administration in its two main aspects, organisational and economic-financial.

The aim is to train highly qualified researchers and professionals in the areas of knowledge related to Business Organisation, Financial Economics and Accounting and Marketing and Market Research, as well as other areas related to business such as Applied Economics, Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business, Commercial Law, Financial and Tax Law, and more specifically those detailed in the programme's lines of research.


The unstoppable phenomenon of globalisation, the intensification of technological progress, and the growing importance of knowledge are imposing ever more demanding challenges on organisations that must change their behaviour, strategies, and structures to achieve greater efficiency.
The Master's Degree in Business, Product and Service Management aims to complete the training of graduates to take on the current challenges of globalisation, technological progress and the knowledge society.
We train students in the professional and research practice of business management, and we emphasise the management of products and services in organisations with an international focus. Thus, on completing the Master's degree, students are qualified to occupy a position of responsibility in any organisation, whether private or public.


With the Executive MBA-UPV we develop managers who adapt to the needs of today's companies, who are flexible, innovative, dynamic, leaders, people-oriented and capable of working in teams.

To this end, we have the support of executives from top-level companies such as Deloitte, EY, Faurecia, INDITEX Group and PwC, and one of the best Spanish universities and a leader in technology, the Universitat Politècnica de València. Our Executive MBA-UPV is a master's degree where you can combine your professional and personal activity with the programme, as classes are taught on weekends in Valencia.

Why choose the UPV Executive MBA?

  • The quality and professionalism of our teaching staff: Executives from leading companies such as Deloitte, Faurecia, Inditex and Pwc teach our MasterClass together with UPV academics with PhDs in Engineering and Business Administration and Management.
  • The new technologies used in the training are characteristic of the Universitat Politècnica de València and the use of the latest technological tools in business management.
  • The network generated among managers, professors and participants in the master's degree.
  • It is a part-time master's degree, making it possible to combine it with your personal and professional situation.
  • Bilingual in English-Spanish. With the option of certifying your Business English (Business English Cambridge).
  • Outdoor activities and company visits are also essential to get closer to the business world and develop new skills.